MHADA Pune Lottery Result 2018 - Today 30 June 2018, Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority have conducted the MHADA Lottery 2018 draw for the allotment of 3139 flats. After conducting successful live draw result of Pune Board Lottery 2018, MHADA has released the MHADA lottery 2018 winners list and waiting list. The winners list and wait list of MHADA Pune lottery 2018.
MHADA lottery draw result 2018 Winners List and Waiting List with Scheme Code has been published and applicants can follow the steps to download the list.
MHADA Pune Lottery 2018 Winners List
MHADA Pune Lottery 2018 Wait List
The above list is available with scheme code and after checking the list applicants can take further steps to make payment of flats.
MHADA lottery draw result 2018 Winners List and Waiting List with Scheme Code has been published and applicants can follow the steps to download the list.
MHADA Pune Lottery 2018 Winners List
MHADA Pune Lottery 2018 Wait List
The above list is available with scheme code and after checking the list applicants can take further steps to make payment of flats.